Portfolios are a great opportunity to show your potential clients and customers what you have created and what you are capable of. It can also be a playground for ideas
Portfolios are a great opportunity to show your potential clients and customers what you have created and what you are capable of. It can also be a playground for ideas – the way that a portfolio itself is presented, the interaction possibilities it allows and it’s uniqueness can be a great way to show your identity and your creativity.
The following collection has some wonderful examples of ways portfolio items can be displayed.
Leg Work Studio
This example, is a textured, black’n’white, stunning portfolio and blog of the LegWork Studio, based in US. The website has a really usable “roll-over” effect, so when rolled over a link, a custom image is displayed.
Carson Shold
The currently website is an elegant online portfolio and blog of the developer & designer Carson Shold. Carson Shold has a beautiful and usable roll-over effect. The area rolled gets dark, but when the mouse reaches the featured project section, it displays the image double-sized.
Noxie Creative
Noxie Creative uses a slick portfolio with a nice hover effect. Clicking next or previous lightens up the new portfolio item. It’s subtle and clean.
Mind Work
A great digital artist’s portfolio with a unique slider that opens when a project is clicked.
Dreamer Lines
Dreamer Lines is a creative, online website owned by the Latvian designer, Janis based in Riga, who works for some digital marketing agencies. The portfolio is displayed in a beautiful tab way fashion that allows to see works from the different areas of design.